Alignment Aid “ON ALL” Clubs, for Consistent Setup and Swing for Practice or Play. Lower your Strokes and have more Fun.
Alignment Aid “ON ALL” Clubs, for Consistent Setup and Swing for Practice or Play. Lower your Strokes and have more Fun.
With this 30 pack of decals this alignment system is easy to apply and will help you to be a better ball striker and help improve your consistency each time you use it. Only use the specific aid needed to improve your swing.
Here’s what is included:
⛳ Shaft Lean Aid – Strike down for chipping & full shots. Helps prevent flipping the wrist and fights slices & hooks. (7)
⛳Open/Closed Club Face – Position at top of backswing. (7)
⛳ Consistent Takeaway and Triangle – Upper body position. (7)
⛳ Neutral loft position – For shots with little of no shaft lean (Example Driver or Putter). (2)
⛳ Open/Closed Club Face – Square at address and impact (7)
Alignment Aid “ON ALL” Clubs, for Consistent Setup and Swing for Practice or Play. Lower your Strokes and have more Fun.
• See your preferred shaft lean angle at address for any golf club.
• It improves your swing plane clubface alignment and follow through.
• Strike down (or up) on the ball to give you height and distance
• Get backspin on the ball to control the roll on the green.
• Improve the distance and accuracy of your golf strokes.
• Prevent flipping your wrist by having the correct shaft alignment at impact.
• Help prevent slices and fat shots.
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